I am a beginner in iOS development. Currently, I am on my week 3rd of training in the iOS development and I am glad to admit that it has been a smooth ride to understand iOS concept. I know a bit about Massive View Controllers and how they are much of a headache for this community. So, one fine day I was surfing the web and reading blogs to understand app architectural patterns in iOS. So I just stumbled on this (https://simform.com/mvc-mvp-mvvm-io...). It recommends using MVVM when your team relies on test driven development.

Just wanted to know if anyone can explain to me how MVVM can be used for test-driven development?

  • 1
    I have been trying to learn iOS programming for the past 7 years and I still don’t know what MVVM is. I think I’m the dumbest person alive.
  • 0
    @freeme definitely you are not. I've been learning Objective C since I had joined my internship. And I don't feel shame to admit that I kind of gets stuck while developing the simplest to-do app. It happens dude - perseverance is the key!

    We all try, fail and learn from our mistakes and experiences. Try not to let you down.
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