I don't hate Java, seriously.

I just prefer spending my first hours with a language actually programming in it rather than fixing shitty uninformative errors and learning libraries that follow no standards.

Pour your salt below.

  • 9
    Java cannot find JVM

    Java cannot find JDK

    Incorrect JVM version

    What's not to love?
  • 4
    It's not that we hate Java it's Java that hates us:

    even a simple concept like being able to make a switch with a string was not implemented until year later even if it's done by few lines on the pre-compiler because Java is a "learning language" so you must know what you're doing, roughtly translated as you MUST suffer!!!

    Another horrible aspect of Java is the documentation:

    Javadoc is NOT a library documentation, you should provide a clue on how to use your library, not a link to buy your e-book guide!!

    ...and don't get me started on OOP nightmares:

    i'm an OOP fan but sometimes you don't have to use it at a molecular level!
  • 2
    Ah the taste of pebkac in the morning
  • 1
    @sharktits Obviously if I've spent more time I would eventually get it to work and actually enjoy it.

    But in the modern times when time is money - why waste time on languages that let you focus on programming instead of setup/fixing?
  • 5
    Honestly idfk what are you talking about, setting up java has always been like 3 clicks
  • 2
    @sharktits I thought the same after I've set it up, but then I saw how much my friends struggle compared to setting up python/C#/C++.
  • 1
    I'm going to call the Java lord, @ribchinski
  • 1
    No hate for java but no love for java. It's just not my cup of tea. I found my ❤️ python
  • 1
    @ribchinski I know how to use it - I have used it plenty.

    Just stop assuming that someone is inexperienced because he doesn't like Java - it's not an educated guess.
  • 2
    Have you tried functional programming in Java? *shudders*
  • 1
  • 2
    @arpit1997 haha, that’s funny because you said cup of tea, and java is an example of a beverage. haha, I’ll just leave now.
  • 2
    I'm sure java can be done well, but I have yet to see it. Particularly in enterprise deployments(tomcat, jboss, weblogic, kafka, zookeeper) it's just a gigantic assblasting resource eater, for which the only cure is disabling it.

    The java devs I have worked with simply add code to an existing gargantuan glob of code, usually to except individual records for processing. Terrible code, terrible policies, terrible ideas.

    Like I said: maybe it can be done well, but I have never seen any evidence of that.
  • 0
    I prefer Go to Java myself!
  • 0
    I don't get any of you, Java is great! You just need to know it well enough, I always struggle with other languages because they don't have javadocs which are the best thing that has ever happened, I don't like to read guides, tutorials and so on, I just want to know what parameters does a method require and what type does it return because methods in Java are named in a way that describes exactly what they do.
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