My biggest personal challenge as a dev? The one friend that keeps yelling at me to learn vim when I'm doing just fine with VSCode.

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    Yes! VS Code is good!
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    Why would you go through the pain of vim when vsc is godlike
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    Learning emacs you can use a lot of the same commands at the terminal
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    Vscode is Microsoft software, for editing Microsoft programming languages, right? Seems like, as capable as vim is, vscode is the right tool for the job.
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    @bahua VSCode is a general purpose editor. By Microsoft, yes; for Microsoft languages, not necessarily. I use it primarily for python, and the stuff in the official python plugin is useful.
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    Learn vim
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    @bahua VSCode's most popular language is node, which is certainly not a Microsoft language (tho they have contributed to the project)
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    @Lahsen2016 i bet you $5 that if you utilize both, you can code faster with vsc. Also why would i use the mouse? It has keybindongs and you can define your own ones too.
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    The main reason I put it in effort to learn vim, is if I had to ssh to a host or some other machine for god knows what, I know vim will be there, and I can be as efficient as possible. If you don't see your job function requiring something similar, I would probably just stick with an ide if you like it
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