
I finally took the step.

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    @Haxk20 it's not going to drop I'm afraid! Ledger upped their prices a while back. I have one and it's worth the €100 imo
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    General rule of thumb is if you have more than two weeks pay, get offline wallets. I have... significant quantities. This will help me relax. @Haxk20
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    I was feeling like I was going to buy one as my portfolio was getting decently big. Then January 2018 happened...
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    That's perfectly valid. I decided I'm okay with losing to the market and to things around there. But I'd rather not lose it to exchange hacks. @kenners
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    @Chronum I lost it to hacks too. Managed to get my XRB off 'Mercagox' and out into BitGrail which was being shilled by the XRB devs. Of course Mercatox resumed BAU a few weeks later and BitGrail went tits up. Out of the frying pan and into the fire..
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