
I finally finished up my post on Bibilobunny, my book note extraction tool for Kindle and Play Books:


I hope to add support for getting notes off Nook and Kobo next. You can follow the instructions to create your own book quote bot, and you can follow mine here: https://tweeflood.com/@bookquotebot

  • 0
    Cool! I gonna PEP8 you! (do you know that from the comedian? :P)
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    I've skimmed your source. Nice stuff.

    I only have only found this with the quick few:

    - I'm a huge fan of sqlite (even read the source code) / SQL too but you should really consider to use dataset. It has so much benefits. You can do db['non-existing-table'].insert(name="Book",chapters=42,pages=420) and it will create the table for you with those specific data types. It's a wrapper around sqlite.

    - pathlib.Path is nicer than all those os functions like join etc. With pathlib it's just pathlib.Path(".").joinpath("pony").rglob("*") and stuff.

    - for file open and stuff I would also use pathlib

    But nice usage of click and no useless asyncio shit. Nicer than most stuff I make.

    If you're interested I can run the AI review tool over your source like I did with Lensflare's code. It gives a grade per file. I average at a six or seven. Rarely an eight. I focus bit more on delivery than quality.
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