
Have you ever applied for a job and then spiraled after a few days of not hearing anything back?

Me too! 🙄😭😭😭

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    I‘m lucky to be able to say no, but I can imagine it being very frustrating :/
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    I had one time that I was 100% sure that I would get it and didn't get it. I really was like "what the fuck happened". I was qualified, socially good match (most important often). Something must have happened. A company is as happy as you are with finding right match.

    A few days? Oh, I would count on a week or so. But sometimes it's even the same day indeed. But a few days.. Give it some time :)
  • 4
    Sometimes you only hear back at the end of their collection period, I wouldn't take it too hard. You sent one, now it's easier to send it to the next one
  • 2
    I am the stoicism

    also people historically do much shittier things. I literally can't stop being such a ray of sunshine
  • 4
    Nah, I developed immunity to that shit, I spam that linkedin easy apply button like my life depends on it
  • 3
    @retoor Pretty sure they didn't liked the amount of money you asked... They all want the best of the best, 10 years experience, 5 degrees and pay you 10€ per hour.
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    @Grumm that could be really realistic tho. Can't imagine what else it would be after such great interview with laughs. If you had some laughs you're normally in is my experience. Did you know the maker of FastAPI almost didn't get hired somewhere for not having enough experience with FastAPI? They asked for more years than the system existed. Anyway, how much experience can you have in it anyway, would list such thing just as a pre. If a company don't even want to invest you spending some time to learn such simple tool - don't go there 😂
  • 3
    @UberSalt really? Dutch devs have so much luck. It's easy here. But for me a bit less since it's here more preferred to work in office, live in middle of nowhere and lost my driving license. But it'll be ok.

    I actually do like to work in office but literally can't get there. Even regarding public transport: the train station is ten km away.
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    Nah, they always respond when you least expect it
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    @retoor Good question, also is in this time of chatgpt, experience still relevant ?

    When I see that the ceo of Microsoft Belgium is using copilot to come up with new ideas and make full presentation points based on the public...
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    @Grumm yes, it very is. For example. I generated a app using gpt just to see how good it is, we'll, it's actually amazing IF USED BY A PRO. For example, I asked it to make a web application using a framework of my choice. Making that choice already requires experience. I asked it to add a list objects called "agents". It did. Then, I asked it to add Auth system. It did. But it didn't add Auth on all pages, so hard to instruct that. Fine. But gpt generating a project is a great way to find out what you've learned from experience because it does everything wrong what you don't mention. But actually, the app it generated in the end was amazing, it had more validations than I normally implement myself (for private use, private projects never validate shit). Tbh, before the end of this year, I think we're starting all our projects using generation and finish the application ourselves. Generation is only for simple boring stuff.

    Really, try to instruct to build kinda Jenkins for fun
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    @Grumm but fast api does do a few things very right. There's not so much to have experience about. If you have a good programmer in general I would not even worry too much about the years of experience in a certain language. If he has multiple years experience in other languages it will be fine prolly. Only when it comes to C or something that needs some discipline what's hard to learn regarding memory management would be nice to have some experience in, many people keep fucking it up theur whole life's and never learn. So you can't guess from some developer if hell be able to master it. Some just don't.
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    @retoor Drunk driver spotted
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    @UberSalt he, no. I did that two times actually and I really hated myself after that. It's very in responsible. It went OK tho.
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    @retoor had one once where I did get an offer but then they rescinded before the start date
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    @TheBeardedOne ooeeh, that's sour. I would tell them that it costed me a month salary and asked compesation for that - they're not your friends anymore anyway, so you can push limits.
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    @retoor wish I'd thought of that
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    @TheBeardedOne Honestly, they should pay the equivalent of severance since you had to quit a job to start there.
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