  • 7
    Just tell me it's not based in your search history!!!
    I promise not to ask anything if the answer is no.
  • 6
    @Aitkotw It's google suggestions, but still...wtf?! O.o
    Or someone is using my work computer to look for boyfriends lol
  • 0
    @irene yeah, might help me with finding group policy settings xD
  • 9
    @Condor I'm flattered xD but am getting married soon, so my actual boyfriend might have sth against it lol
  • 0
    @irene thanks, already found it & I think I might have found the culprit for problems aswell (: yay!
  • 1
    I saw pics like this all over internet, but I thought they were photoshoped.. o.O guess not
  • 4
    Santa should start asking Google what people want for Christmas presents. It sure does know what people want better than person himself/herself. xD
  • 0
    @Condor hehe thanks (:
  • 2
    @Aitkotw google adds yes, but not suggestions for search o.O I don't think that is linked to your searches alone..
  • 1
    Also fingerlings... Wtf?! Some monkeys to put on fingers...
  • 2
    Google knows your launching a unicorn startup
  • 0
    I usually just type "xxx Admin templates". Replace xxx with HTML, bootstrap, Vue, laravel etc etc.
  • 3
    - I already have passion for some stuff
    - I already have a job in Switzerland
    - I'm not looking for a boyfriend, rather the exact opposite
    - You don't find love, love finds you
    - I don't have an iPhone
  • 4
    I... well... what...
  • 1
    @SoulSkrix mmmm truffles
  • 2
  • 1
    @PonySlaystation The opposite of "I am not looking for a boyfriend" is " I am looking for a boyfriend"
  • 2
    @Cyanide Ok, correcting my misleading sentence:
    [...] rather the exact opposite sex of what was suggested by google. 😉
  • 1
    I'll just leave it here
  • 2
    @qwert I could probably get a glucose guardian, but not a sugar daddy
  • 1
    Good thing duckduckgo isn’t based on your history;)
  • 0
    @-vim- neither is google search, at least not in my case lol
    Anyhow, did you manage to find stockings??
  • 0
    @sladuled honestly these days even when searching something on youtube the search suggestions (even when history is off) are still tailored to u :/
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