
Just taking the temperature - how many people would be interested in a devRant podcast? We'd probably start with it being every other week.

It would feature things like inside devRant updates, guest interviews, rant readings, and anything else fun we could think of.

Any thoughts?

  • 20
    a blog post on how devrant is deployed and maintened will be great. like how many ec2 instances , dau, number of request handled by server, type of db etc.
  • 14
    a podcast like cracked.com but for devs would be cool. or guests spots of the best ranters from that week telling the full story of their rant would be fun. or a weekly pro-tip that's based on a rant from that week (nothing helpful, just pure comedy). could be really cool, done right.
  • 7
    I'd like to listen, but I have to admit that audio has a smaller audience since it's more hassle (headphones, not scannable, requires you to drop multitasking etc)
  • 5
    I would love to listen to it @dfox !!!! I love podcasts. I have listened to .NetRocks! and RunAsRadio for a while now. It's the only way I find out about new tech, etc.
  • 3
    @Elkstorm multitasking is one of the reasons I don't listen that much to podcasts.
  • 9
    Thanks for the feedback everyone!

    @Cruiser I really like that idea - we can definitely have the creators of quality rants on to discuss them in more detail. I think that could be really entertaining and also be another way to reward great rants.

    @Elkstorm definitely - I think though in many cases the difference from the norm in the medium makes it fun.

    @Trey50Daniel yeah :) I think it could be a lot of fun. If we decide to do it we'll definitely run our ideas/format by the people interested in the community for some more feedback.

    But please keep posting ideas in this rant, it's much appreciated!
  • 4
    @dfox I think occasionally having some of our fellow ranters on every once in a while would be nice. I can't lie I would love to get to speak to some of the other ranters.
  • 1
    Hell yer!
  • 5
  • 8
    Sounds like a great opportunity to focus on programming culture rather than specific technologies (which are already well covered by other podcasts). I'd listen.
  • 2
  • 3
    How about telephonic interviews? Or people sending in audio clippings from around the world. Random topics like commute stories, debugging ideas, ways of dealing with your toddler chewing on your keyboard, etc
  • 3
    @aimanb you know there's a button for that right! Lol, jk
  • 2
    @manrock007 this and that makes it 2 already hehe
  • 6
    @fuckfuckityfuck yup, that's definitely what we'd be going for. Trying to keep it really fun and creative with stuff you aren't going to get on other dev/tech related podcasts.

    @manrock007 I think those are good ideas. I would like to maybe be able to take callers at some point so we can look into that. But in the beginning we can at least just feature interviews with different users who discuss a rant or tell a story.
  • 4
    @dfox I just realised you won't be able to mention me unless you mark the podcast "explicit" XD
  • 9
    @fuckfuckityfuck will just have to say ********ity**** lol

    But in all seriousness, while we won't go out of our way to use profanity, if guests want to curse/be edgy then that's cool, it wouldn't be a censored podcast and ideally will have some of the edge that devRant hopefully has.
  • 5
    @fuckfuckityfuck or he could just beep out your user name.. "beepbeepitybeep has had a bad week at work..."
  • 2
    I like the idea. Let's do it.
  • 2
    I listen to podcast in the car to work. So I'm definitely up for!! If you cast it they will come :P
  • 2
    Great idea. Count me in! This sounds like a lot of fun!
  • 3
    Making comments from authors of popular rants one of the features could be interesting and in line with the current sorting of the rant stream. For a "social media" I'd say devRant is unusually focused on the actual content - It's not even possible to see the author of a rant without opening the rant first.
  • 5
    @Elkstorm yeah, that's a good observation. It's something we've always felt strongly about - continuing to feature quality content and not encourage narrow browsing of the content of a select few. We want to get quality rants maximum exposure no matter who created them so I think this could be a fun additional source of exposure.
  • 3
    @dfox Whaaat?! I had that "If only devRant had podcasts..."-sigh today, 09:40 UTC... My first day at work after vacation, and traveling 30m each way, podcasts are a blessing. Currently I'm enjoying Programming Throwdown (recommended), but Jason and Patrick would have to share their primetime in my car with you. :)
  • 4
    @dfox whats abt a google hangout before the podcast?
  • 3
    @rookiemaverick I was about to say the same! @dfox why not google hangout first?
  • 3
    That would be an excelent idea
  • 3
    @g-m-f love it!

    We can do a Google Hangout any time really. The podcast won't be live so it would probably make sense to do the hangout separately. Maybe a few different ones for different timezones.
  • 3
    (I'm late, but my two cents: I would absolutely listen to a devRant podcast)
  • 2
    @dfox I'd love to listen and even participate to get the infrastructure up and running! A Mumble server that adds rtmp streaming audio!
  • 7
    We've started working on the first podcast episode!!
  • 2
    @dfox what's the format like?
  • 10
    @manrock007 right now we're planning for this, in undetermined order:

    - 5 minute segment from @trogus and I about devRant/what we're currently working on.
    - 3 rant readings/interviews with the creator (5 mins each)
    - featured interview (15 - 20 mins) - we have a very special guest lined up for the first episode who we think everyone will really like. This interview will include questions and fun/quirky games :)
  • 2
    Woah, looking forwards to the podcast. Good call @dfox
  • 2
    @dfox please tell us when it is gonna be the first.
  • 2
    I'd definitely listen to it!
  • 3
    I would suggest that the podcast is not about code and learning but more about rant and fun. About experiences and new things in the community. We can always learn from Google. Let's make it fun. Of course members participating would be great. :) Ah and yes I am sure it will be worth it.
  • 3
    Also, can you make more of those mini devrant animations?
  • 2
    so, when will the podcast start?
  • 1
    I love it, and I always multitask during podcasts, makes me focus better :p
  • 1
    Would be nice to have more to listen to while I run. ++ that idea
  • 2
    I'd be so down.

    I'd suggest having a link (or even better a widget) on the app. Depending on who you decide to host it with, they'll almost certainly have an html widget for the webapp, and quite possibly for iOS/Android SDKs too

    but at the very least, link to it from the web/mobile apps. Hell adding a "episode 1 released" notification (and even a push notif) would be a great way to get people to test it out.
  • 1
    Yes please
  • 1
    I like to imagine there are a lot of techies and devs version of Bill Burrs or Bill Engvals on devaRant. Damn that would be awesome. Let"s do it guys!!!'
  • 1
  • 2
    @orijin i did post that as a rant, was wondering where it went -.-
  • 1
    @orijin hahahahahahahahah. I saw it earlier and was so confused.
  • 3
    @dfox you won a stress ball...
  • 8
    I just wanted to update everyone. The first episode of the podcast is in production.

    We have a very, very exciting, special guest for the featured interview for the first episode. We will be announcing the guest in the next few days and will give the community an opportunity to submit questions to be asked (we'll pick our favorites and ask him during the interview).
  • 2
    @dfox Good morning from Nepal and awesome news mate
  • 0
    Simply amazing!
  • 2
    oh do use a bit better than crappy microphone. And if you interview someone through skype, let them record at their site too.

    if it sounds as of you record someone through a plastic cup, I will not come back to a podcast. I just can't. so you don't need a super high end microphone but at least more then what s in your computer.
  • 2
    @dfox 22days ago you said it was in production; have you released it. If not, when might I expect to see scratch that hear* it?
  • 6
    @rozzzly good question :) Episode #1 will be released this week! After that we'll announce the awesome guest we have for episode #2.
  • 2
    I volunteer to be a guest/participant for future episodes.
  • 6
    IT'S HERE!!

    Download info: https://devrant.io/podcasts/...

    And rant with details/discussion: https://www.devrant.io/rants/205384
  • 2
  • 2
    @dfox 150mb you gotta get on that compression!
  • 3
    @kevbost we'll add an option to download 128kbps and 256kbps. Current version is 320.
  • 4
    @dfox I use a podcatcher (PocketCasts) and I don't think there's an option for quality. I'm basing the 150mb being large assessment off all of the podcasts I listen to.
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