It's high time people start understanding the difference between 0 and NULL. A zero is a numerical 0 and null is just .

  • 2
    not even .
  • 0
    “Our fight in this world is not against Islam; it is against religion. I can tell you this for sure: no one’s head has ever been cut off in the name of atheism. No one has ever cut into human flesh and looked down a camera and said, “In the name of nothing!” – Jim Jefferies
    (if you look up the vid you can see him screaming "In the name of nothing!" which seemed fitting for this)

    NULL is nothingness, an empty void.
  • 0
    @rootshell black hole not even light can escape :-D
  • 0
    One is a value and one doesn’t exist yet 🤷‍♂️

    Plus who compares nulls to nulls?

    Seriously in 15 years I have had a single project where I have had to make null safe comparisons and that is in MySQL.

    NULL <=> NULL

    Yes that’s valid 😒

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