
Guys. How do I solve this .URGENT

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    @LeFlawk if you dont know nothing. Don't talk
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    Boot into safe mode, let it do updates and reboot normally
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    @LeFlawk there is no options there .
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    you'll need to make a windows 10 recovery disk or a bootable windows disk/usb, so you can boot into recovery mode and make use of the tools.

    you most likely left fast boot enabled which means you wont be able to interrupt the boot up to manually get there (like winXp / 7)
  • 1
    There are no options?

    "You'll need to use recovery tools. If you don't have any installation media [like a disk or USB device]..."

    That's a pretty big and what seems like your ONLY option. Boot from an install drive or disk, repair Windows and get back up and running. If that doesn't work, use a Linux boot disk to run live, backup your shit and reinstall.
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    @JMoodyFWD windows partition is not even visible in linux
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    @moses install ntfsfix and use it to mount your partition?
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    1. Throw it from 10 meters for 10 times.

    2. Collect any 10 pieces 10 times

    3. Burn it for 10 years 10 months 10 days 10 hours 10 minutes 10 seconds

    Yes. This what you get. Just google before you post here.

    Wish I could give 10 x --
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    @moses @LeFlawk ahh yes. That glorious kind of people that think they can rule over other people because they dumped their shit on a platform and think it does now belong to them
    10/10 would downvote again
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