When you are attempting to learn a new framework what is the learning process like? Do you watch youtube tutorials for 5 hours straight or do you go straight to the documentation. Just curious

  • 2
    Go to documentation, make hello world app from getting started, and then try to improve it by solving practical problems I'd face if I was building something serious with it (usually with a help of other github projects)..
  • 1
    I usually go

    1. Documentation
    2. Official examples
    3. Create a management system for library or school. (This pretty much covers the basics)
    4. If stuck then youtube
    5. If stuck for long hours stackoveflow.
    6. If literally stuck for days, damn crapp fuck it. I am not going to work on it until its new major version is release.
  • 0
    I watch a quick YouTube video about the basics.
    Then do tutorials.
    Then write my own code and use stackoverflow if I get stuck.
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