
30 year old starting to learn to code. Wish me luck!

  • 21
    It's never too late to learn code.
  • 15
    Good luck! I'm 17 and currently teaching my dad java and html
  • 1
    Good Luck πŸ™‚
  • 18
    Im 31, taught my cousin who's 48 how to code two years back.
    He's in Canada now, and leads a team of 6 in an online travel agency website.
    It's never too late
  • 2
    Good luck, I'm currently teaching myself at the age of 31
  • 1
    Bes of luck!!!
  • 6
    29 started a year ago. Good luck just spend. A lot of time working and make friends who code
  • 1
    Thanks for the tip. It is greatly appreciated. @Greggergalactic
  • 1
    This post make me happy 😁 good luck with everything dude! What language you looking into?
  • 1
    Looking into backend web development. So at this very moment JavaScript. @RYPTAR
  • 3
    This thread is motivating.
  • 4
    Make sure to set yourself a goal and a clear learning path (make it a system rather than a random wondering in the sea of material). Don't just learn for the sake of learning, as it won't motivate you for long. Once you can do simple stuff immediately start playing with it. It's much better to have a question and find an answer for it, rather than read through the entire book without actually writing code. An make sure that even when it seems hard or boring you still go through it, don't be lazy or discouraged and the results will be awesome. Good luck and welcome!
  • 0
  • 1
    Never too young nor too old to start. Coding is great, coding is good, do it all day to maintain your morning wood.
  • 1
    Good luck sir πŸŽŠπŸ™‚
  • 1
    Contact me wittmaxi@outlook.de
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    @linuxer4fun ima teach u a little bit if ya want to
  • 2
    Good luck!! :)
    Don't be discouraged by the 15 year olds who are coding.
  • 2
    @soolkiki haha, ...
  • 0
    Don't worry bro, we've got you covered.

    Looking forward to seeing you soon,

    Your friends at stackoverflow.com
  • 0
    Same here. I did stuff like changing code for years. But started to go for some tutorials on OOP and then I started reading the documentations of needed languages.
  • 0
    my advice is find a project. it doesn't matter what it is, what language you choose, just pick a project you'll see end to end. it's too easy to get distracted by the next new [language, tutorial, framework,... ]

    good luck and most importantly have fun
  • 0
    Better then the veterans whom got still code like 1995
  • 2
    Not so much...
    40 years old starting to learn code.
  • 1
    I'm 34 and picked it up again after a big hiatus... and a new language. Never to late to learn new shit!.. Get the basics then make something fun. You'll never stop learning.. πŸ€˜πŸΌπŸ€˜πŸΌπŸ˜€
  • 2
    Welcome to the club I'm 33 starting to code it really intimidating...
  • 1
    @lucavinci thats so cool!
  • 0
    Welcome to an elite society!
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    I started programming at 28, and now am going for a BSc in CS. You'll love it! I really get motivated by programming electronics, so I suggest that you set some achievements and revel in the satisfaction once you have successfully completed them. Repeat :-)
  • 0
    Good luck Dude! Go for it!
  • 0
    Always make sure to check the ;
  • 0
    Good luck :)
  • 0
    Im 18, and I'm a full stack developer. Yall should wish me good luck too.
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