
Here in Germany we have early elections, because the current government failed due to internal disagreement. And as usual, each of them promises everything you can think of, just to get some more votes.

Lucky me, we have "die Partei" (yes, that's there literal name), who are basically just trolling everyone. Just checkout out their party platform for this election: https://www.die-partei.de/btw25/ (can be easily translated).

And yes, they can be elected. :)))

  • 2
    I appreciate. In Ukraine it was once possible to vote for Dart Father. Just by having such name already reeks to corruption. He actually did get votes tho. https://youtu.be/pLd9Pd03w7s/.... I just realize now it's for major, not president.

    Well, their way or selecting a major is at least more fair than the Dutch way. We can't actually vote for the major of our cities. Crazy if you think about it - we can core our bosses's bosses but not our 'boss'. While being led by right wing for decades, almost all neighbors are lefties. But, as a stereotype dutchy, I wear an orange shirt, don't care and will behave like a animal on the kings birthday while not knowing the date. Tolerance by ignorance! Most tolerant people in the world :) After the Danish or so maybe.
  • 4
    Make way for Count Binface.
  • 1
    @donkulator Almost like that one Black Mirror episode.
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    @retoor I will not start on the Belgian way of voting...
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    @Grumm please do :)
  • 3
    @Lensflare Well... Basically, for the major, you can vote on the person you like or you can vote on the whole party. But the fun starts after the voting.

    For the major, it is the one with the most votes. Pretty easy. But for the rest, each party gets a number of seats based on the number of votes the party managed to have. Then the party of the major will make a coalition with other parties in order to have a majority of seats. (If you have more than 50% of the seats, you can more likely do whatever you want)

    So it happens that parties who end up second (let's say 30% of the votes) are pushed aside because they are to extreme. And other low level parties who make a coalition with the winner and still can push their agenda. (Yes even when the majority of people did NOT vote for them!)

    On the elections for the country well... We just have to wait. At this day, we don't have a government 🎉
  • 1
    @Grumm pretty similar to Germany actually
  • 2
    Belgium owns the world record of longest time without government, 541 days. At the moment we are somewhat half way that record with 235 days, and the deadline is coming Friday. Meh..

  • 1
    Yeah, Die Partei is nice.

    However I can't shake the worry about the coming elections.

    Considering Merz's bullshit and getting closer to the far right, I worry for the safety of... honestly, everybody in Germany.
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    @bedawang Belgium is a reality show for the world. It is just one big comedy sh*t show xD
  • 1
    @Ranchonyx yeah, it's really worrying. :(
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