
Where to begin learning about blockchain? (Google searches return way too much information.)

This has been in the back of my head for years now. And with all the attention that crypto currency has been getting lately, reminded me to look into this again.

Note: I don't actually care for cryto currencies, I'm just really curious about blockchain technology.

  • 2
    "Searches return way too much information"
  • 2
    I found a 30 minutes video somewhere on youtube... There should be a lot on there.

    Short version: hash functions and logic.
  • 4
    Well more like they go on a tangent about bitcoins and such. Or they are specifically about a certain tool or language. Or are way too basic/vague.

    So I'm looking for a place to start, from people who have already been through this.
  • 1
    The blockchain is basically a linked list with hashes as identifiers and the head of the list also contains the hash for the previous block thus making is hard or impossible to change the previous blocks.
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