
Should I....create my own CMS or....wordpress?

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    It depends. 😋

    In most cases the answer should be no for the two provided options though ^^
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    @k0pernikus then what is the answer to this HAHAHA😂
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    mowie.cc 🤘🤘🤘
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    Its still beta though, but I'd consider it reasonable stable.
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    It depends on what you're doing: Wordpress is great for simple websites but can't handle complex things and too much customization (you're just asking too much from it).
    Just stay away from bought templates and plugins: create your own wp theme from scratch or from a bought html template and it will behave like a custom website with a Wordpress backend
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    Your own CMS only for very specific use-cases. It's really great to be able to stand on the shoulder of giants and work problem-related instead of waiting time on technology.

    So if you do want to create your own CMS, do use a solid framework.

    Most CMS promise to be easily adaptable but in practice they break down as soon as you stray from the intended path. Yet in certain cases using the de-facto standard for certain fire and forget projects can be quite a time saver.

    This is me saying it depends again but with more words.
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    If you want PHP based CMS that aren't WP or Drupal, check out ProcessWire or GRAV. Both are rediculously awesome and easy to get up and go.

    If it's a more complex project ProcessWire scales pretty well and is easy to learn if you understand WordPress. Took me an hour to translate my skills and away I went.
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