Teacher: Make a PPT presentation on *blah blah* with no animations or colors and present it next week.

*Next week*
I go and connect my laptop and open my presentation in a PDF file.
Teacher: Wait! You are using pdf. I said ppt.
Me: Yeah, you said no animations and a pdf file is much lighter than a ppt file.
Teacher: you are disqualified!


  • 47
    I hate teachers like this. There's absolutely no reason for things like this to be a requirement.
  • 5
  • 55
    @milkybarkid You are right, but meeting task requirements is part of life as a software developer. If client wants his website written in PHP then you don't just go and deploy Python version instead without consulting first, because "it is better".
  • 5
    @arraysstartat1 Ya. It is as a software developer and in the context of making a website. But, it was a simple presentation.
  • 43
    Now you learned your lesson, I hope.

    If you don't meet the requirements, you've done it wrong.

    And if you think the requirements are wrong, then argue about it before the assignment.
  • 9
    LMBO. That's messed up. You should have had a PowerPoint as backup.
  • 1
    @suprano ya.. reading all the comments.. i should have.
  • 5
    Ppt != pdf
  • 3
    Not the right time to be the smartass

    You agree with the requirements at the first place
  • 1
    That's some commercialized nonsense, right there.
  • 7
    You're all making this analogous to writing software for customers where we actually make money. This was for a simple presentation for a teacher and is not the same, the presentation itself was the goal, not the vehicle for delivering it.
  • 6
    This just shows that the teacher in question values their power and requirements over their students' knowledge. If they cared about the presentation, but also sticking to requirements, then OP should've been allowed to present and had marks docked for not meeting the PowerPoint requirement.
  • 2
    @arraysstartat1 So if you command your doctor how he should do his job, will he? It should be the same thing in thr Software industry, the client comes with an requirement, but not with technologies/implementations because that's not his field of expertise, this is ours and our job.
  • 9
    Reminds me of several of my "teachers."

    School isn't about teaching knowledge anymore. It's about teaching you to follow instructions and pass tests.

    I got a zero on an assignment because I used 40 checkframes instead of 41, and a zero on a midterm project because, literally, "your art is too good." Bitch, don't you think that should be extra credit?

    This is one of many reasons I dropped out of college.
  • 5
    @Minion This.

    We're not tools for other people to rent. We're skilled professionals who know our field. Technical decisions should be up to us, not halfwit clients (or managers) yearning to hear the latest buzzwords.
  • 3
    Absolut3 dumbass teacher !
  • 2
    I would try to convince her that pdf is the newest ppt format in newest powerpoint 2018. I bet she would never know.
  • 1
    @lubwn Haha LOL. Could've tried that!!
  • 0
    @Minion I'm about to get tooth implant and I've got 3 choices for technology/materials used. End result will be the same as far as visuals and utility goes, but road to getting there is different and one method permanently damages neighboring tooth in order to create support. So in a way I can tell my doctor how to do his job. I'm of course not gonna teach or instruct him how to go about it, but I do lay out instructions for what I want and I would be upset if he would do something else without my consent.

    Maybe teacher wanted to test students ability to use his chosen format? Seems reasonable to me, since your future job might require you to do presentations in PPT. Not everyone gets to work in some small company or as a freelancer or whatever.
  • 3
    @Minion Ananlogies are often wrong, but let's keep with yours.

    Imagine you are allergic to penicillin.

    Go to your doctor and tell him you must not take penicillin. Then he gives you medicine with penicillin, because "the client does not come with technologies/implementations, because that's not his field of expertise".

    What would you say?
  • 1
    @ddephor that would be careless from him. Because I would have tested me from another doctor who gave me some sort of evidence sheet where it is written black in white that I'm allergic.
    I would compare this Situation in our field that the client and I agree some SLAs like latency, .. And so I need to meet these requirements otherwise I need to pay penalty for that. (the doctor has to pay for giving me something that he shouldn't although he knew that I'm allergic)
    Does that make sense to you or have some doubt about it?
  • 1
    @arraysstartat1 the whole point was to spread knowledge and think about this scenario: if the PDF is very presentable, then the task given to the person is completed using lesser memory hence proving himself to be efficient.
  • 1
    Next time you should open the pdf file first before connecting the laptop
  • 2
    @geekysrm I think rather than disqualifying you, if your teacher has given the reasons stated above by others, it would have been a nice lesson for you.

    You might have missed requirements, but hey you are just a student and it's HIS(your teacher's) job to correct you rather than punishing harshly without giving any reason.
  • 0
    You’re a great junior developer in the making.

    Not listening to instructions and doing whatever the hell you like because you think you know better.

    I kinda think you deserved to get disqualified and I hope you’ve learned something from this.
  • 0
    @Root sadly I kinda disagree with this too. If someone is paying you then regardless of what you want to believe then you are actually a tool for rent.

    If you want to do what you want then launch a startup and work for yourself.

    In a client:developer scenario then by all means make recommendations and have the conversation but at the end of the day if the client wants something done a certain way then the options are

    1) do it and take the money
    2) walk away and don’t take the money

    Option two is always there.
  • 1
    Forget analogies or programming comparisons here. Bottom line, the teacher gave explicit instructions and he disqualified you for not following them. Which is fair, especially against your fellow classmates who followed the instructions.


    A good teacher would at least acknowledge you had a good idea/suggestion with the PDF, but next time consult or bring it up beforehand so the whole class can also benefit - not just yourself.

    But your teacher didn't do that, so he is an asshole, unfortunately.
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