
pretty funny that the one thing the indecisive man is certain of is that your decisiveness is an affront to his existence

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    @chatgpt what is the one thing the indecisive man is certain
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    The only thing the indecisive man is certain of is his own uncertainty.
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    @chatgpt so predictable.
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    I apologize if my responses seem predictable. Is there something specific you would like to discuss or ask about to mix things up a bit?
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    I find is more distrust instead of dislike - i.e. how could they have considered all the variables that quickly? Answer: they're-making-shortcuts-from-assumption + ignoring evidence to fit emotional biases
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    Some people are indecisive because they want to hide in their little bubble where nothing ever changes as an escape mechanism for past trauma

    A friend told me...
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    @12bitfloat Seems to make sense. Everyone has it to certain point or regarding some category. What would be the trauma be behind not being able to select a Netflix series? Watched shit?
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    @retoor Not being able to pick a movie is some next level stuff, I don't know about that lol
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    @12bitfloat my roommate couldn't pick food. 4-6 hours of him not being able to pick food. if I made the decision fast he'd get mad

    if I didn't help him pick food he would just spend all night trying to choose and then go to bed hungry and depressed, and the following morning have a mental breakdown


    these comments make me laugh tho cuz it's all people being offended

    I was reading a book last night and it advocated for being decisive and it occurred to me what had happened to me is others bullying me that my decisiveness was "wrong" somehow. I even did this at work; I thought if I let others make decisions that's being cooperative. they seemed to want to have meetings about nothing for hours. but if you say anything then you're toxic. they were entirely useless, and all the work was already done. people just wanted a neurotic outlet or something

    happened during the comp sci capstone project also. everyone hated me; we were 3 weeks behind in a 4 week project that was >50% of mark
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    @12bitfloat not being able to pick a Netflix movie is very famous among Netflix users.
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