Please, oh please, tell me there's an exception for murdering people using their phone in speaker mode right in the middle of an open space.

Please ... I feel like it should count as public service and be rewarded ..

I'm trying to work here, it don't give the slightest flying fuck about the latest crap you dare to call code and how it fucked up your whole application.

  • 1
    Just tell him/her to turn it down
  • 4
    @Jifuna that what was my first reaction, long before that rant.

    A bit of context here: i work with ANC headphones AND listen to metal (albeit, not that loud but it does cover most of the audible spectrum). Bottom line, for me to hear someone, they'd need to be really loud. Obnoxiously loud.

    Plus, we do have meeting rooms with phones, crazy right ?
  • 2
    Haha I understand
  • 3
    Never in the whole of my life have I been in more whole-hearted agreement.
  • 1
    It is a service. In fact, when the court sentenced me to 15 hours of community service, my job was to strangle the obnoxious morons who use speakerphone in inappropriate settings.

    And snipe the fuckers who take up two parking places when only one would suffice. The city loses a lot of toll money from overparked parking structures, it seems.
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