How to troll a scammer:

Act like a old grandma that wants to know all the details and always change your name when finishing the mail.

(Just a random rant result of one boredom of mine)

  • 5
    As long as you waste their time, why not :D meanwhile they cant scam anyone else xD
  • 2
    I just plug my headphones in and lay the mic on my speaker while repeatedly playing "Fuck off" until they hang up lol
  • 1
    @Floydian is that for real?
  • 2
    @py2js Yes, then a bot that is trained by hundreds of conversations replies and wastes extremely much time.
  • 1
    Thwre is a great dude on twitch who specialises in that. He has a folder with nudes that acutally contains pictures of rodants in the earth and live scammers go click on em. Its quite funny ;)
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