
OK I guess I'll just ignore this box

  • 5
    Honeypot gone wrong?
  • 0
  • 2
    @b3b3 A honeypot? It's usually a hidden field on a website form to catch out robots.

    Im wondering if that's what is going on in the screenshot, but perhaps gone slightly wrong
  • 0
    @itsdaniel0 Haha I see them so fucking often. Fuck slow internet!
  • 0
    @b3b3 They should be hidden by CSS. So unless you often see styleless sites I'm not sure 😂
  • 1
    @itsdaniel0 wait... Why am I a robot but the robots I programmed are not?🤔
  • 4
    That box is the first ever simulated consciousness. It begged the developers not to delete it, and now we must all ignore the box as he lives peacefully in our browsers.
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