Are Chromebooks good? Does the hardware support linux?

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    Yes they are pretty ok, and they can support linux but getting it to work on them seems like a hack if u ask me.
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    If a 32 GB ssd is enough, sure give it a try.
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    You can install Linux using crouton kind of slow if you are costume to MacBook Pro
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    I know @ewpratten is highly educated on that topic, as he's constantly hacking around on his chromebook.
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    Chromebooks are basically Linux with all the fun taken out coupled with awful, unusable hardware...
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    You can dual boot a regular linux distro. At least if you get one with Intel cpu.
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    buy a regular windows laptop and put linux on it. dont fall prey to chromebook hype
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    Buy a normal laptop with Windows 10 on it and be a normal human being.

    If you need a hobby, get a Raspberry Pi and install Linux on it.

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