The new mesh shaders are awesome!

Just doing manual backface culling of triangles (the easiest thing to do ever) improves performance by a clean 100%

And I haven't even implemented my software rasterizer for small tris yet

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    For a sec I was concerned by the improvement of 100%.

    I imagined the performance being measured by how long operations take.
    So if some operation would take 5ms, then an improvement of 100% would make it… 0ms? Thats quite good! 😂

    But then I realized that you could also measure by fps and then doubling that number :)
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    @Lensflare Reciprocal measurements, the bane of intuition :D
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    @12bitfloat here is a somewhat related funny question:

    If it’s -10C degrees outside today and yesterday it was half as cold, what was the temperature yesterday? 🙃
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    @Lensflare -5C I would say 🤷‍♂️
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    @12bitfloat that doesn’t work. You can’t just half the number because if it would be 0C, half would still be 0. That doesn‘t make any sense.

    I think those kind of questions only make sense with an absolute scale like Kelvin.

    But even then, the question is weird, because what does "half as cold" mean? Does it mean double as warm? Well, in case it would be like 500 Kelvin, which doesn‘t make sense either.

    I find that stuff fascinating :)
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    @Lensflare Oh yeah you're right :D
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