
why do people want to be admired?

if you want to be admired what hole does it fill?

  • 2
    Attention from those you love if I had to guess
  • 4
    Generally it's the "my caretakers only paid me attention when I did stuff they liked and now that's how my brain is wired/get dopamine, oxytocin, etc." hole.
  • 2
    But you, personally, also correlate being admired with love and affection. Don't fool yourself. You just want a certain type of admiration that your brain is accustomed to give you feel good chemicals for.
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    If you get admired you also get some kind of confirmation. Confirmation is always good.
  • 2
    I read "admitted" and well... I do need help...
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    It makes me uneasy.

    Growing up, I figured out that when people say "wow, you're really good at X" what they mean is "you're bad at X and I want you to get less bad at it".
  • 2
    admiration means social status.

    social status means power.

    power means "more food".

    or in short: because we evolved from animals and work on instincts.
  • 0
    It's just another form of validation. Like social networks or onlyfans nowadays.

    Then again, s I say elsewhere, it's about earning it.

    It's easy to seek easy admiration. Real admission is hard earned.
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