Hi there

Every few months I switch my Linux distro, currently I’m having a look at Manjaro.

I really like it so far, but there’s one thing that sucks freaking donkey balls..

Everything works perfectly until I shutdown.
On shutdown the whole OS freezes.

Although Manjaro is known for its big and new-to-arch friendly community, I didn’t find many posts about this problem and if I did, the questions were not answered.

Any ideas?

  • 0
    How do you shutdown?
    e.g. do you click the shutdown button on your desktop? or is it “shutdown -h now”?
  • 0
    I am using manjaro from a long time as my primary os. Never had such problems. Do you get any errors or warnings?
  • 1

    I’ve tried both, clicking the button and using the terminal.

    When it goes to sleep due to inactivity, the monitor turns black and the fan goes crazy.
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