Okay ranters, I'm asking for your help.

I'm currently an IT Technician at a facility. I am doing this part time while finishing up my last year of college. I graduate in April of 2017. I just received a job offer to do Web Development part time in the same city. I'm not sure if they will work with my schedule, but they say they will. I will need to learn PHP, because I haven't used it yet, but learning a new language is easy for me. I'm done with most of the difficult classes in my CS program, but I will need some time devoted to study. I'm unsure whether the job is a golden opportunity or if I'm going to screw myself over and be unable to graduate. What do you guys think?

  • 3
    What languages do you know already? Php is OOP, and all OOP languages are more or less the same, and easy to pick up. Personally, it sounds like a golden oppression as long as they stick to their word about working around your schedule.
  • 1
    @FelisPhasma I know Python, C++, Java, and C# pretty well.
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    PHP is pretty easy , just get acquainted to the syntax that's all considering you worked with OOP programming languages.
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    @skonteam Yeah I mean I picked up C# no problem after having learned Java in one of my classes.
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    @Trey50Daniel Ah, well then php should be a breeze. The major difference is that you don't need to declare the type of a variable, and all variables have a "$" at the beginning of them. There are a lot of built in functions, so of course don't feel nervous about googling. Also, unlike other languages, php is amazingly well documented. Good luck!
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    @FelisPhasma We'll thanks man. Yeah I've glanced at it, but I never really had the urge to learn it. Maybe this is a sign. Lol
  • 2
    Coming from a PHP Dev, it's pretty easy once you get the syntax down. Just Google/php.net anything and you should be sorted!
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    I'm really considering taking the job. I just have to consult with my wife. Lol
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