I might have asked this before, but since everyone on devRant except me is familiar with Git, please help me out a bit.
1. Should I use Git for a personal (game) project with a friend? (We'll work together via skype since we live far away from each other)
2. Noobs call Git "too difficult" - it seems difficult to me as well, what's your best advice (or resources, Git alternatives) to pick it up easily?
3. Will I have trouble with my slow internet (4mbps down 0.2mbps up)?

  • 3
    Try Mercurial, it seems a bit easier than git.
  • 5
    start learning it locally then use Gitlab, it makes life easy

    Anyhow, usually IDE's have their own git controls start with these. But what you will be facing a lot is merge conflicts those are a pain but in the end git helps keep work organized and most of all prevents loss of work by deleting by mistake, and if something was working and suddenly stopped in your game, you can check history and see what made it break
  • 4
    Yeah, definitely! I prefer GitHub Desktop for my Bitbucket repositories. Your internet is enough for code!
  • 5
    1. Absolutely since you work to together. 2. You can use an interface like Sourcetree or kraken. It does all the work for you. There are also some base courses for command line that are easy. The learning curve is not that hard. 3. I don't know sorry.
  • 8

    When to use Git?
    All the time.

    Also for personal projects?

    And really small personal projects?

    For scripts?
    If they are *really* small scripts, create a folder where all your valuable scrips are, and create a Git repo of that.

    Slow internet!
    Slow internet is usually not a problem for git.
  • 3
    If you have slow internet, just make smaller commits. Your commits should be small anyway, so your limitation is actually helping you develop good habits.
  • 4
    Always use gut, regardless of the size of the project. You have a local copy of the repo anyway, so internet speeds shouldn't matter as much.
    Do not use any GUIs besides _maybe_ merging pulp requests on github or similar. You'll need time to learn all the commands (not as many for your usual work flow actually) but if you got the hang of it, it's super easy to expand into real teamwork usage
  • 2
    Thanks all

    @Kimmax why no GUIs? I heard SourceTree, for example, makes it easier.

    And we don't only want it local on one machine but, like you said, maybe on GitHub so we can work on it together.
  • 3
    @BambuSource There is no question - if you ask "should i use git", the answer is always yes.
    Use a gui like kraken, sourcetree, or gitext to understand the basics. move to use gitflow for bigger projects. later, you can pick up the cli interface, but not really needed.
  • 3
    Git is a great tool if you work alone but it's a MUST if you work with someone:

    it may be difficult to understand at first but the time spent on learning it is just a fraction of the time spent blaming each other or searching for a lost backup of a working copy of a file if you're not using it.

    Just use a GUI tool, better if integrated in your IDE (like intellij) and you don't need to comprehend all the commands but just the basics:

    commit when you do something and push when you want to share your code (and learn gitignore basics before submitting your code).

    For internet speed git saves a lot of traffic sending just changes instead of the whole project!
  • 3
    Its pretty easy to use and get a grip on tbh, visualization can also help you a lot, I suggest you download Gitkraken and start experimenting, basics come down to staging, commits and having an origin (server) from where you pull/push changes.
  • 4
    Yes, learn git. You only need to know a few commands.

    git clone <repo>
    git pull

    git add --all
    git commit -m "<message>"
    git push
  • 2
    @BambuSource no nonono nonononono
    Don't use a GUI. The basic things you need are easy commands. Overloaded GUIs, that you don't understand or you don't understand what happened result in frustration and possibly lost changes etc. Using commands forces you to search for what you need and actually learn what's happening. Much easier to hit ok and lose changes that writing git reset --hard. Writing reset hard should already ring some alarm bells in your head
  • 1
    @Kimmax not saying don't use visualization, that's fine. Maybe install some helper methods, like git lg2, which shows you commits and branches pretty printed in your terminal
  • 1
    @BambuSource If you know the terminal basics, and can't grasp higher level functions, try GitKraken.
    I believe you can get a year free of Pro with Github Education
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