
Note to self : stop trusting everyone in group assignments.

It always becomes a catastrophe right before the deadline 😥

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    Group assignments tend to end with 1 person doing the majority of the work whilst the rest take credit.
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    @ChachiKlaus this is actually so true, wouldn't have said better
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    If I could go back, I'd never give a flying fuck about those shit assignments. I can very well say I suffered "abuse".

    The worst part is the lecturers that used it as a means to reduce their fucking workload, giving us massive chapters to "group read"! Bullshit.
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    If it’s school, I learned to do a few things:
    A) assess the situation in advance. If early communication isn’t great, and meetings are really unproductive - expect to bear the brunt of the force.

    B) keep an accurate account (e.g Trello or written down) of all the tasks set out for everyone and what was accomplished in the end. At least that way when checking, the professor/teacher can make note appropriately. May not end exactly the way you want but will salvage some points.
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