Lose weight
Get a boyfriend
Stop procrastinating
Actually finish a project

  • 12
    Omg same. Like on every point.

    I bought running shoes and I literally used them for 10 minutes to walk the dog.

    When the weather improves though... yeah, when the weather improves.
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    *inserts final piece of chocolate from giant Easter egg*
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    @senzory yeah. I’m gay and the OP may well be too. So it follows we’d be looking for boyfriends rather than girlfriends.
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    @Milenchy OMG Betty. Hey girl hayyyy.
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    @Brolls Unite the gay! Lol
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    @rEaL-jAsE I made a post a while ago to try and find our people, but didn’t manage anything. Heyyyy *wave*
  • 8
    Your people?
    I actually smiled at that. I never knew gays had their own tribe or something lol.
    Does that mean I'm supposed to call aros and aces "my people?"
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    lose weight in healthy way*
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    Love how ppl are like "OMFG GAYS DEV LOVE ME BABY" when it's like only a part of the post

    but I like it anyway, bi dev here o/
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    @Michelle Defining "my people" would be so difficult. I'm unsure where I am on a dozen of spectrums and scales, so how would I even know where others are? 😁
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    @Michelle oh wait you're ace ?

    Gimme five o/
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    Me: *opens Urban dictionary*
    *searches for "aces"*: oh... How does that even work?? πŸ€”
    *searches for "aros"*: ok... How does that even work??!! πŸ€”πŸ˜Ά
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    @DodgerAkame how I feel right now.
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    @D3add3d Ace/aro is used for a spectrum of (lack of) attractions.

    Doesn't necessarily mean you're an antisocial loner, and doesn't even necessarily mean the person has no sexual/romantic attractions at all.

    A lot of people who use these labels have no problem with relationships, love or even falling in love -- they just don't experience lust in the same contexts, or have no desire for in the same relationship rituals as others.

    But like I mentioned earlier, it's hard to define labels and groups at all.

    Some might have a total aversion to romance/sex and truly dread it, others might just think it doesn't add much, but don't mind it either.

    I'm married to a girl you could describe as gay(-ish?) and/or aro/ace(-ish?), and I'm a straight(-ish?) guy. I'm now very happy with my relationship and love life, it just took a while to sync up to each other and work things out.
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    @bittersweet ah, thanks for explaining it :-)
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    I lost 11kg since I started working out back in December, so I got that point going for me.

    Still no girlfriend. (The latest one I dated were messed up in her head, so had to end it)

    Fixed the procrastinating part as well, bit haven't finished a project yet :(
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    @aaxa you're doing better than me πŸ˜‚
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    @Milenchy Yeah well, it took me 3 years to get to this point of not procrastinating and 2.5 years to push myself to go to the gym.
    Plus I didn't date for 3 years at all until now, so it has been a struggle.

    But tbh, the best advice I can give is focus on one thing at a time.
    I started by cutting down on drinks with sugar (Coke, Red Bulk and so on) until I only drank it on special occasions.
    After that, I started running once a week.
    After that, twice a week and so on.
    So really baby steps. It may take 3 years as it did for me, and it may take more, the only thing that matters is just any kind progress. Minor or major.

    Also, I just quit smoking a couple of months ago as well :)

    Trust me, when you've overcome one challenge, other challenges seem rather trivial
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    Literally me 🏳️‍🌈(woo), just I need to gain weight.
  • 4
    hello yes lesbian dev here ++'d
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    at this point @Brolls and @Milenchy must be a couple (*゚∀゚*)
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