So I uninstalled Xbox App off my computer like a week ago. Today I get a notification to check out XBox Game Pass. So I find in notifications it has separate app or thing installed to notify about shit like that. So I removed that.

I also don't like the pos Game Bar. It won't let you uninstall in apps. So I searched and found this command:
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay | Remove-AppxPackage

Good bye MS POS Gaming Overlay. Good bye Gayme Pass Notifs.

So I am on Pro version of Windows 11. Is this shit not able to be removed from Home version? What a garbage future we are in.

  • 2
    install linux.

    or at least upgrade back to win 10.

    also: https://oo-software.com/en/... very recommendable
  • 3
    I'm pretty sure they installed with one of the latest updates. Like how they keep resetting the default browser
  • 2
    first step after installing windows, before the first time connecting it to the internet, is to grab a debloater script from github and let it prune the whole system
  • 1
    @tosensei I got it as Windows 11 Pro on new PC. Linux isn't an option. I mostly find it fascinating and frustrating on new systems to disable all the bullshit. I had this in KDE on Linux at work. Some stupid default decisions in KDE too.
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