
Overheard a phone call of a collegue:

Person on phone (P): okay so how do I upload the code?
Colleague (C): well you could use filezilla for example
P: oh... okay... yeah.... So how does that work?
C: you said earlier that you were going to hire a more technical person, a developer, to develop this wordpress side, maybe he/she could help you out with this?
P: I am that developer.

C: 😢😐

  • 59
    fuck! I sometimes feel ashamed to call myself dev when I see such developers!
  • 7
    @yendenikhil if anyone should be ashamed, it's them for having such low standards.
  • 14
    "I am that developer".. πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  • 21
    This is actually the problem. When do you get the right to call yourself a developer. I mean we were making fun of so-called wordpress developers a couple of days ago, now there is this guy who claims he is a dev but doesn't even know the basics. Can I call myself a dev if I write Hello World inside body tags??

    A rant coming soon on this exact same situation. Stay tuned.
  • 5
    Tbh the conversation doesn't really indicate if it's the technology or simply the program he doesn't know. Not knowing Filezilla wouldn't be a big deal if he uses another program.
  • 2
    @bitsnpieces looking forward for it!

    Developer is someone who developers things, so these individuals should ask themselves, am I doing that? If you lie and say yes then you are lying to yourself!
  • 0
    One does not simply calls him/her self developer if they can't make something without looking at StackOverflow
  • 2
    @jdevs shit, you caught meπŸ˜‹. I don't remember how I solve my problems I co e across (unless they are simple or something I have to do more than a few times). But I remember exactly where the coded solution is. For example if I come across a problem I had 3 years ago I will remember the project I was working on and the location inside the project where the code is. So I can work without stack overflow but I will need access to source control.

    PS this is exaggerated and oversimplified... I can do plenty without looking it up. But the remembering exactly where something is years later is no joke. Weird system but it works for me πŸ˜‹
  • 2
    well. if that person can get a job, I now have infinite faith in me getting one.
  • 0
    What is worst is that it is so easy tjat you can jsut read an article and figure it out.

    The first developer skill is always to just google shit, go witj the flow, google shit, then ask if you can't figure it out.
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