Found on "It's FOSS"

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    kali as main os tho..
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    I use Arch and Debian both so in which category do I fall?
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    @darkLord the half-life category.
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    Gentoo + elementary + windows. What am I????
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    @gitreflog Why not? It's a very good Linux distro. It has a lot of security tools but so what?
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    @linuxxx Damn, you got me again, prejudices. So I asked a friend, who tried to experimentally use it for a month and he said you could use it very well tho the updates always broke something.
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    @potluck because it is absolutely impossible to create another user. ofc you don't use root everyday.

    Also: chainsaws can be used pretty precise. I don't have a pic at hand, but there are some artist creating extremely detailed wood statues. Just because you can destroy the table while sawing the watermelon, doesn't mean you can't do the task more efficient then with a butter knife.

    Saying wasting potential is bad implies there is a limited amount (of kali). If you have an unlimited amount (of kali) then why not have the potential handy.

    To the above: I am defending the idea of kali as a main os, not because i identify with that, but because i think there are some holes in those arguments. (Might be wrong like usually)
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    @potluck then say it is not designed to be a daily basis distro and don't tell me some aspect that might contribute to that, but on it's own is completly unrelated.
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    @gitreflog I've used it as my main system for half a year without any issues.

    Then I went distro hopping again 😅
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