"Kotlin, why the fuck would you want to introduce a better language for Android studio and still base it entirely on jvm, fuck you jetBrains and Google, you java dick sucking retards. "

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    So many reasons....
    Kotlin compiles to java bytecode, and runs on the same VM, but has cleaner code, with less boiler plate code.
    take a look at scala...
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    Probably because of compatibility and because it would suck to develop two vms? Also I'm happy that it's like this as I can use kotlin with Java libs
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    @magicMirror what do you mean by "clean" code?
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    @bashizip not clean. cleaner.
    go watch the google IO kotlin presentation on youtub.
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    Kotlin can also be compiled to a JavaScript backend and LLVM, you can even run Kotlin on an STM32.
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    Better language? Ew. They know that they violated the copyrights, but they still want the Java aspect of the Android Development, so they're doing whatever they can to try to avoid getting fucked by Oracle.
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