
There's a girl in my team : smart, caring , beautiful, I have a huge crush on her. We have rotating oncall policy in team. Next week she's on call, followed by me N2N week. Yesterday she asked me : ARE YOU AFTER ME ? I was going to say : YES !!!! Do you feel the same way ? Then it hit me suddenly 😢, I just said yeah, I am !
fml 😣

  • 6
    She was asking about the call turn
  • 3
    @ViRaS doesn't matter, might be the other thing too, but now the op will never know..
  • 1
    So... what happened next ?
  • 2
    I would have still said that and treat it as a joke as recovery plan, never hurts to try man, never hurts to try!
  • 1
    Excepting those times she looks distasted and call you a f*cking pig with which she would never mate even if you would be the last dev on the planet... those times hurt
  • 2
    Someone has to make the first move, otherwise our species would have never made it this far. If you're going to make the move, don't spill the beans unless an asteroid is about to hit earth.
  • 2
    Man, I'm not gonna profess to be a love guru or anything, but sometimes you gotta wear your emotions on your sleeve and just be honest with your feelings. Worst case scenario is you get rejected and move on. Best case you end up working with someone you love. Pros outweigh the cons here. Ask her out to dinner!
  • 2
    You just avoided sexual harassment accusations, lucky bastard.
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    @KennyTheBard @winternight I am thinking of showing this to her, just thinking of a backup before.
  • 0
    A backup? Like if shit hits the fan? Well you can always call it a drunk night and hope the thing to be left aside asap
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    @copycat how did it go?
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    @electrineer I didn't try mate. Hr policy :x
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