Lmao 😂
Credits: random Twitter dude

  • 6
    GGWP = good game well played
  • 1
    Oops I didn't know that, how can I delete this rant
  • 1
    😂😂😂😂😂 Seems legit.
  • 1
    @greenTea that won't work all the time, it's time to write a js framework for that
  • 1
    Name already taken on npm 😭
  • 3
    @chakrihacker yeah, that's what we need. A new JS framework. 😁
  • 1
    @Floydian no, framework can contain multiple libs, and libraries can do one work at a time
  • 0
    I am having a feeling, we may break max comment limit here. Please join me for the fight. 😉
  • 0
    @Floydian Nope. To quote Wikipedia, "a library offers functions to be called by its parent code, whereas a framework defines the entire application design".

    Example would be: Angular is a framework. React is a library.
  • 0
    At one time YouTube has some comment limit of *big number*, but a video got so many comments it broke YouTube. I just remembered that seeing comments in this post. So asking you people to fight (comment)
  • 0
    @greenTea what about google image search? :P
  • 1
    LMBO. 😂
    Don't delete it. This is my first time seeing this lol. Might be first time for others as well.
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    @MrEvilCooki3 woah so many buzz words. I think diffing images would suffice
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    @chakrihacker nowadays some livestreams surpass that limit in the first ten minutes, twice.
  • 0
    @xewl I don't understand
  • 0
    @chakrihacker F-bombs, "first", chat-polls, ..

    The old limitation on comments gets obliterated on some Youtube livestream videos nowadays.
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