sudo shutdown now
just for joy of shutting down your Linux PC via terminal!

  • 0
    alias "just begone"=shutdown

    sudo just begone now
    *Metaphorical command not actual
  • 3
    Try once shutdown button. You can't imagine how it's funny. Just click on it and it will power of your system. O.O
  • 0
    Only shutdown for me. With now it would be down instantly which makes my displays loose signal and go crazy af and I can't power them off. So just shutdown and nciiwkmxojjbw
  • 0
    There's no need for sudo. Adapt better practices, believe me I fucked big time due to such issues.
  • 2
    This is funny until you run the command in the terminal where you are connected into the production server. and the server is in a physical facility at 13km far of your office. nothing that happenend to me, only I heard the story...
  • 2
    I use nothing else than terminal to shutdown, and it usually just goes `shutdown 0` or waiting a minute if I wanna save two keystrokes..
  • 2
    alias stfu="sudo shutdown -h now"
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    Do not use poweroff. That's yanking the rug out from under your system. It doesn't gracefully turn any daemons off. It just nukes your system. Use shutdown or init.
  • 0
    And then type your password, pineapplePenis56
  • 0
    Is init 0 still working to shutdown a linux?
  • 1
  • 3
    function goodnight {
    # ask for sudo password before displaying anything.
    sudo echo.
    echo Goodnight!
    sudo poweroff
  • 1
    Init 0, it's faster to type.
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