
Achievement Unlocked: Approached by a Google Tech Recruiter

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    ...for a janitorial position
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    @spoiledgoods This is the reason I overspecify things. 'Tech' Recruiter! 😐
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    @creator "Janitorial Technician"

    honestly though in 2018 that title probably exists somewhere
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    They usually reach out to lots of people by sending mass messages, wouldn't call it achievement myself
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    @spoiledgoods I heard they hire PhD guys for janitors, so I guess that must be true 😂
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    Oh man I'd run like my life depended on it xD ;P
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    @spoiledgoods Fucking hell man.
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    I was too, a few years ago. Had two interviews. The interviewers were both assholes. Didn't pursue anything further.
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    I'd be very fucking scared because they have my browsing history. They even know my favorite adult actresses (also known as porn stars) they know me better than my mum.
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    @lolicon tsk tsk should've been using the most modern browser out there... Internet explorer. Then they wouldn't know this about you since Microsoft is a privacy based company.

    (I'm being very very sarcastic lol)
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    I hope you do well and get hired, @Creator. I'd be excited, too. Congrats.

    @linuxxx Why? Is working for Google not longer "the shit,?
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    @telephantasm Well you'll meet me some way; working for a mass surveillance engine, no thanks!
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    @jhh2450 oh fuck IT'S TOO LATE
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    @spoiledgoods This is our future. We must embrace it. Bus driver? Nope. Certified Large Vehicle Driving Technical Manager.
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