My friends computer had a dead motherboard, so I chucked his disk into my PC to copy his files to USB.
We turned on the computer after plugging the drive in, and it showed up in Windows explorer. At which point I was thinking sweet this will be easy. But when I clicked on the drive to open it, the screen immediately blacked out with a pop. I look down at the PC and see smoke pouring out of the hard drive 🤔😯. I didn't know it was possible to literally fry a hard drive, I think I'll just stick to software after this...maybe I should be booted from Linux USB in the first place \_(ツ)_/¯

Thankfully my friend wasn't too annoyed as he had a recent backup!

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    Maybe you put the hdd's PCB on a metal surface or maybe it was time for the hdd to get burned. I don't think there is way to fry a hard disk by simply plugging it in. Conclusion...most probably wasn't your fault.
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