Why the hell do girls use high heels in the office? I just can't think with all that noise

  • 9
    Now feminists will hunt you down!
    I'm outta here 🏃🏻
  • 15
    I would say the same if guys wore high heels!!
  • 5
    @pescadjiam Good luck explaining that to them.
  • 6
    @mohammed *grabs 🍿 while waiting for them*
  • 16
    @pescadjiam how about a noisy mechanical keyboard and a singing coworker? 😂
  • 3
    Put on some headphones if you can't take the sound of someone walking
  • 1
    Carpet wtf! 😂😂😂😇
  • 1
    Problems that I want... for 5000
  • 0
    Carpet + noise cancelling headphones = problem solved.

    Since I got noise cancelling headphones, noise just isn't a problem anymore. Typing that from a train with toddler crying, can't hear either.

    Which ones you might ask? Bose QC line. Bose sound is meh (too bass-heavy, which can be somewhat fixed by software), but their noise-cancelling is great!
  • 2
    they're hotter with heels :')
  • 0
    To get men to ogle them, so they can sue them.
  • 0
    @mohammed no, feminists don't wear high heels
  • 0
    I don't know why they wear them at all, can't be good for the feet.
  • 0
    @Fradow hey mate I want to buy noise canceling head phones so I can sleep at night. Sometimes my wife sleeps late at night while watching some TV series but I need to go to sleep early because of work tomorrow. Oh well.
  • 1
    @Devnergy I use QC-25, and I'm very happy with it, but it's definitely not something I'd use to sleep (it's perfect for office work and transports).

    For sleeping, you might want just simple hearplugs. They are inexpensive and can be found pretty much anywhere. For maximum confort and noise blocking, use wax ones instead of plastic ones, since they will shape to your ear and totally block sound.
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