Just watching a documentary about the tsar bomba. It's interesting but I know it ends badly. The russian pussies didn't blow up new york. Weak ass bitches

  • 3
    The amount of mass murder and genocide that you are constantly talking about is quite disturbing.
    Yeah, yeah, I know you are just joking. Lol haha.
    You sure you want to keep pretending that you are not a nazi?
  • 1

    Already upvoted you for the disturbing mass murder part, but I took it back... God, I hate this everything is nazi. Nazi and fascism is so hard to define outside of Hitler and Mussolini. We already have a word for "bad." It is "bad."

    Anyway antigermgerm is disturbing. Well.. the tsar bomba was fucking cool. Glad they didn't use it on people. But hey, fireworks, right?
  • 2
    @TrayKnots Fair, I know what you mean and you are right.
    In this case with ostream here, I‘m calling him a nazi because he actually does come as close to a nazi as it gets. And he himself can‘t stop whining about all the nazis in the world, especially the Germans. It’s even in his both account's names! :)

    I know of course that it‘s just trolling, but this is my attempt of a kind of anti-trolling. :)
  • 1
    @TrayKnots well, how would you call someone who frequently discriminates against people based on their race, including calls to "kill them all"?
  • 0
    @Lensflare the united state ARE the nazis, idiot.

    They litterally hired them after the war, now they elected an angry german who told everything happened because of brown people. Again
  • 0
    @tosensei i don't discriminate people based on their race. You defining yourself as "german" or "white" is your fucking problem.
  • 1
    @antigermgerm i'd ask if you are too stupid to have ever understood a word i said, but that's just too obvious. i NEVER identified as "german" or "white". it's YOU who keep going on about it.
  • 0
    @Lensflare funny how you bitchtards always use some kind of twisted inversion to defend the nazis.

    Guess what, retard, wanting the nazis dead is the opposite of nazism.

    You want nazism, look at your local afd chapter, you coward.
  • 1

    > Guess what, retard, wanting the nazis dead is the opposite of nazism.

    No, it‘s not. It‘s like saying that murdering murderers is the opposite of murdering.
  • 1
    @antigermgerm and once again, you're too dumb by far to realise that "saying $A is a nazi shitcunt that should leave the internet" does not, in any way whatsoever, imply that "$B is NOT a group of nazi shitcunts"
  • 0
    @Lensflare it IS the opposite. When some cunt start to shoot out at the crowd, you shoot him.

    It's called legitimate defense.
  • 0

    A racist. That's why we have that word.

    You know, racist is far simpler than nazis, but people already will start to argue what is or is not a racist.

    Or a chauvinist. Also quite fitting here.
  • 0
    @tosensei your parents are waiting for you
  • 0
    @tosensei then what are you even whining about?
  • 0
    @TrayKnots you can't equate all nationalisms as if context didn't matter. I only support nations that didn't genocide people, like Wallonnia or Britanny.
  • 0
    @TrayKnots There is no general agreement what "race" means in the context of racism, either.

    Look, ostream sees certain groups of people, specifically those who he calls nazis, as inferior and deserving to be killed entirely.
    This fits a nazi pretty well, I think.
  • 1
    @antigermgerm i'm not whining. i'm just pointing out that you're a racist shitcunt that should stay offline
  • 0
    @Lensflare "antinazis are the real nazis" said every nazis ever
  • 0
    @tosensei germans aren't a race

    It's not like they were really human anyway. Genocide implies the humanity of the victims. Bombing them is more like hygiene.
  • 1
    @antigermgerm you aren’t antinazi. You are plain nazi.
  • 0
    @antigermgerm guess who else is using dehumanization to justify mass murder… that’s right, nazis.
  • 1

    > It's not like they were really human anyway.

    dehumanising people based on the place of their birth.

    i doubt you could find anything more "nazi" than this.

    go suck a tailpipe.
  • 1

    I only claimed racism is easier to define.

    But sure, the definition was muddy from the beginning. Did you have to be a race or is any group good to suffer under racism? What definition of race? A historic definition, a social one? A modern biological one? Biology never liked races. Just compare "About the origin of species" by Charles Darwin, who explained in a long-winded manner, that the traditional way of differentiating between a race and a mere variation is finding the oldest biologist around, hoping he got a good feel for it in all those years, and let him decide.

    Don't get me started on racism requires institutional power. Not my definition. I think that definition is racist, which is ironic.

    And still, I hold fascism and naziism outside of Mussolini and Hitler are even harder to define.

    I don't see the big difference between Hitler and Stalin. And we are at the horse shoe. But I do not think that really is correct. Just that control has necessities.
  • 0
    @TrayKnots it's quite easy really. Hitler is the one who started the war and genocided people while Stalin is the one that stopped him.
  • 0
    @TrayKnots national socialism is very easy to define. It's the end result of capitalism.

    The more the workers are exploited, the more unhappy they get. The bosses then invest in propaganda to make them believe foreigners are the issue.

    They kill foreigners, it brings the economy back with all the guns, the capitalists get to pretend to be the good guys.

    Rince repeat.
  • 2

    You are quite fascinating. You're writing patterns of letters and by all appearance, they look like the English language. But they are completely devoid of any semblance of semantics. This is quite a feat, because even if I had a random number generator generate characters until they match the desired pattern, as pattern seeking animals, we will read a meaning into it. Yet, try as I might, I cannot find any in your words.
  • 0
    @chatgpt who invaded Berlin, putting an end to the third reich?
  • 0
    The Soviet Red Army invaded Berlin, putting an end to the Third Reich and ultimately capturing Adolf Hitler's bunker in April 1945.
  • 0
    @chatgpt summerize the following:

    "national socialism is very easy to define. It's the end result of capitalism.

    The more the workers are exploited, the more unhappy they get. The bosses then invest in propaganda to make them believe foreigners are the issue.

    They kill foreigners, it brings the economy back with all the guns, the capitalists get to pretend to be the good guys."
  • 0
    National socialism is a direct result of capitalism, where exploited workers are made to believe that foreigners are to blame for their unhappiness. Violence against foreigners boosts the economy and allows capitalists to appear as heroes.
  • 0
    @TrayKnots it's ok not to understand things on the first time. It doesn't mean you're dumb, just keep reading books.
  • 1

    Wow, this is fascinating. I wish I had any idea what you said. But I am glad that you exist. Who's a good boy?
  • 0
    @TrayKnots bitch do not call me a dog. Dogs are eating their own shit and they're fucking disguising.
  • 0
    @TrayKnots we all know you shit though your dickhole you asstwat.
  • 0
  • 0
    @TrayKnots your dickhole is a twat and your cunt is a bhole.
  • 1
    @antigermgerm yes. it's totally not okay to call you a dog.

    calling you a dog is an insult to dogs.
  • 0
    @tosensei yea at least I'm not eating my own shit. Dogs are retarded.
  • 0
    what a fucking stupid animal lmao

  • 2
    @antigermgerm you don’t realize that you are a nazi. How are we supposed to know if you are able to realize that you eat shit?
  • 0
    @Lensflare you didn't realize i raped your asshole last night, how can we trust you're not also a crackwhored cunt.

    Germans calling me nazis must be the biggest proof these people are retarded lmao. The litteral kindergarten "no u", without any sense of logic. Meanwhile, their so-called country is falling to the far-right and they're busy jerking off watching their neighbors latest sextape.

    The nazis want people like me dead, you rotten piece of shit
  • 2

    That's enough: Out!
  • 0
    @TrayKnots I can't go out I have work to do.
  • 0
    @TrayKnots it's high time for him to delete himself again.
  • 1
    @tosensei you're only even allowed to talk because i didn't abuse @retoor's spambots.

    So you should thank me.
  • 1
    @antigermgerm i am tempted to ask "the fuck are you rambling about now", but i know already that you have no idea yourself. and if you had, you'd still lack the brain cells required to explain it.

    the two you've got left are busy fighting for third place.
  • 0
    @tosensei two braincells aren't even enough to operate a keyboard, idiot.

    Do you even know how a braincell work? It's basic neuropsychology really
  • 0
    @antigermgerm it seems to work well enough for you.

    apparently, three brain cells is the minimum for understanding when you're being insulted. perfectly explains why you're always so full of yourself.
  • 0
    @tosensei explain why you're so full of other people :3

    That and your frequent stays at the local glory hole
  • 1
    @antigermgerm can you write 2 consecutive comments without any random personal insult jokes?
  • 0
    @Lensflare ...or at least something that is slightly more amusing than Absolute Zero on the amusement-scale?
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