
My college senior project has become a monster. I look at it and all the work put into between my friend and I and all I can think of is

"This shits fucked I'm glad it's not for sale"

Seriously it works for the most part, but we're up to ~2500 lines of code and about as many headaches and it's still missing so much functionality and has so many security flaws. It's a great proof of concept, but good lord I couldn't imagine building it into a feasible application. It'd take months of work full time!

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    Grab your self a copy of the clean code book. Save your self in the long run, even for small once off or unneeded projects.
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    @InterferenceObj i wanted to do an agile development but my coding friend / the only one in our group thay can code besides me has some programming seniority over me and is fond of the just dive in and start doing shit method

    He also is super anal about proper structure, abstraction, method/property privacy, runtime efficiency, etc.

    But it's a javascript project so fuckin lol
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    @Crazed javascript? Well in that case fuck it is right 😅
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    @InterferenceObj like its not horrible, we're following MVC pretty closely but some controller functions could really go in an all purpose controller, some model methods could be abstracted, it's not as DRY as it could be, etc.

    It's more so that it's ab enourmous project for 2 entry level devs in 3 months of work
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    @InterferenceObj it's a node based web app :p
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