CS teacher tip of the day:

server side input checks and sanitization are always useless. because nowdays all browsers have javascript enabled by default and nobody disables it. so client-side checks are safe.

me: ***WTF!?!***

  • 13
    Client side is fine, as long as the site doesn’t work without JS 😂

    No don’t take my advice, for every client side check there should be atleast 1 server side check.
  • 18
    Don't you trust your users? You need to check after them, what a shame. Just disable checking once and for all, users are smart, users are trust worthy 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  • 8
    - laughing in NoScript
  • 7
    Laughing in curl/Postman/Paw/<insert your API tool here>.
  • 4
    Thanks to this teacher i'll continue to have fun in the future ^^
  • 3
    My university must be following your teachers advice
  • 5
    @DLMousey I want a list of their sites so I can uh... Teach them a lesson ;)
  • 3
    Please give me the address of your school services.

    (For research purposes of course, no bad intentions)
  • 8
    '); DROP TABLE RANTS; --
  • 1
    I always add server side validation even if I know I'm the only one going to be using it.
  • 1
    That's retarded
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