Irony: A robot that clicks for me on the "I'm not a robot" buttons.

(Firefox Addon by prowebmasters)

  • 5
    That's the best thing I have ever seenπŸ˜‚
  • 4
    Only ironic if it works though...
  • 3
    Has anyone tested if it works?
  • 1
    @Zaphod65 even then I don't think it's ironic... But it's better than anything in the song ironic
  • 2
    @Wack It works!!! I have just tried it on Firefox 59 and works 😍😍😍😍😍

    This part of my life, this little part, is called happiness.

    ( Tried on www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/demo )
  • 2
  • 2
    @ribchinski It is really nice and fast, but it really pisses me off is that legacy addons no longer work
  • 2
    Just installed and tested it with the latest stable firefox on ubuntu. Works like a charm!
  • 0
    I have been using it for several months without any problems :D
  • 0
    That captcha is so easy to bypass.
    Some delays, random pauses, and beziers for mouse movement. Tada.

    Eyeroll emoji.
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