What things do people around you keep repeating related to programming?

For me it is surely "linux is soooo permissive", which is true but still funny when people start saying it unrelated and simply as a mean to jokingly explain why something doesn't work how is supposed to. Even if the problem is not even on a computer

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    when my colleagues say "it doesn't want to work" (as a litteral translation from my language) about their chicken noodle code.
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    @lolicon it oppose its nature with its entire will to live and die as a free code with no master! Compile free or crash trying!
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    The usual open source is less secure, no one seriously uses Linux, and GUI are better than commandline shit
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    Well, by linux in that particular sentence we kind of talk about the whole open source distros based on linux, ranging from the user friendly Ubuntu to the bold and intimidating Gentoo.

    And while i can't say you are wrong, GUI has it purpose, and command line has another, neighter trying to overcome the other in it's comfort zone of utility.
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