One might like WordPress...
Until one decides to go develop something for it...

  • 1
    I should never like Wordpress unless it’s only use is a blog.
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    @C0D4 thank you! when i was in college my professor had a wordpress blog with all the courses and many things to download and i thought it was neat. at that time i thought wordpress is just a blogger website.
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    @lolicon thats all wordpress was, then some dumbass group invented ecommerce plugins and the platform changed after that.
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    I would only use WordPress as an updates page.
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    I use WordPress for mainly my blog n stuff, but a lot of stuff just doesn't work or works really horribly...
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    I mean when coding that is...
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    Why Wordpress for blogs when you only need static files, which is achievable pretty easy with a static site generator like Jekyll. Also it has pretty good themes if that's an issue.
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    @alanturingisgod because most simplebloggers don't want to go through hard setups and blogwriting...
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