
I fucking hate ionic
I fucking hate ionic
I fucking hate ionic
I fucking hate ionic

it works!!
I still fucking hate ionic -.-

  • 4
    Is it bad that I've never heard of ionic?? 😂
  • 2
    @c3ypt1c me neither. 😉
  • 1
    Legends code in native!
  • 2
    I can’t stand ionic either 😬
  • 1
    Totally agreed ..
    Nativescript-Vue ftw !
  • 2
    You hate ionic because you haven't tried xamarin.

    PS: I love xamarin but i guess i am the only one. 😕
  • 2
    @superuser I love xamarin too

    What I meant by native is native Android (Java or kotlin) and native ios (swift)
  • 2
    I wanted to start an ionic project a year ago.

    Wise senior dev: Ionic is crap. Wait for a better framework to appear.

    And here's flutter.
  • 1
    I'm binge working on a project for about a month. I tried native android in the past and the development was slow so this one is in ionic.

    Really easy to begin with, follow simple steps on how to create an ionic 4 app and everything is going fine. 3 days in and I realize that it's ionic 3 instead. I had to add this weird param in the "ionic start..." command. ok my fault... let's continue as is.

    Oops the thing you want to do is not supported fully by ionic 3, it's better to switch to version 4. This shouldn't be that hard.. I mean it's just a version. Nop slight differences without any obvious reason EVERYWHERE. Start the project from scratch, fix everything. 1 week later I change computer, try to setup the project again, nop the dependencies are wrong, ITS THE SAME THING F** WHYYY???!! OK fix the dependencies run it in android, nop thousands of library code errors (stackoverflow solution delete node_modules and apply black magic). Try again, 404 on all ionicons. DIE DIE DIE AAAAA!!!
  • 0
    @vnaskos That's why I fucking hate hybrid shit solutions T_T
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