
We don't sell your personal information; hopefully, by our definition, "personal information" doesn't really mean anything. We track you on 75% of major websites and store every bit of data you generate. My takeout.google.com was 14GB large. FUCK YOU

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    They just state that they don't sell it...

    Selling something and monetizing sometime are two different concepts!! :P
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    @mmcorreia I was emphasising the fact that google uses the word personal misleadingly and that they sell everything except what they described in their article. It's a shame that the only way to get rid of what they have on you is to delete your account...
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    What are you trying to say here? According to Google, they don't sell your data, but they know who you are and shows you relevant ads based on that data. That's not selling you data, that is using your informations to make money. It would be selling data if they just simple gave your data directly to a third part company for money.

    Now whether your trust Google with your data or not, that's your choice.
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    @Sagi02 I did understand that... However they state clearly that they do not sell your data or provide others data that personally identifies you without your explicit authorization...

    However, as I stated selling data and monetization of data are two different things...

    I guess one can be upset that there is no information about how they monetize data... Although Google Ads framework is very explicit in this way...
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    @tahnik i get your point. Technically, you're right, what I was reproaching is rather the monetisation. And yeah, I don't really trust Google. But whatever, I'm here for the rant! So fuck their ads (though google drive / docs /sheets / slides is realllly neat)
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    Btw... Don't go look into all of your services' Terms and Conditions... Thats a great way to become paranoid...

    Legal mumble mumble mumble
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