Why the fuck does YouTube shows me ads about wix and other Website creation Tools? Google you know better then anyone what Job i have and even know that i have a Google play developer account connected with my google account.

  • 6
    Its wix that is targeting you, they choose the parameters right. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  • 4
    Yes, they do a terrible job at ad targeting. They target any word with website and web development.
  • 1
    I wonder if Wix Devs get Code Academy ad's, or basic how to write HTML & CSS tutorials 🤔
  • 0
    @codingmonkey probably just remarketing from their own ads.

    Wix reminds me of Geocities
  • 0
    You must have googled too many questions and now they figure you'll soon give up and go to the wix side.

    This is partially how targeted ads work, wix can be nice for static websites for small clients.
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