
You mother fucking assholes stop blaming stackoverflow. Do not ask there if you don't know how to google or don't know how to ask question or if you don't give complete information. We won't google the shit for you assholes.

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    Fucking assholes!
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    I can see both sides to it.

    Yes, it's annoying answering the same questions over and over.


    Why volunteer your time to answer questions if you're going to be a salty little bitch about it?

    Sometimes, questions are explained but not well enough for someone to understand, therefore, getting another input might help.

    Moral of this comment:

    There's ways to go about dealing with repeat questions without being condescending cuntbags. Just be like "Hey you're likely new here, and repeat questions are frowned upon. Here's the link to the original, if you have further questions, then ask a more in depth question. Thanks for being a part of this community!"

    See? An answer and I wasn't a condescending piece of shit basement dwelling troll. 🤷🤷
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    I want to -- this post of yours, but I won't, because, your post dosent affect me so much as it does to you.

    1. You say that you are doing volunteer work at stackoverflow, but you are so arrogant about it, it simply dosen't make any sense. It violates the meaning of volunteers.

    2. There are different types of programmers with different types of knowledge and IQ levels, if they are unable to search for an answer on Google, why would they take so much pain to put up a question on stack? So you are the one who should try reading the question again.

    3. Even if the question is duplicate, you don't have any right to insult anyone or comment on anyone's situation. This destroys the meaning of community word itself.

    And the list may go on but to be honest, this attitude of yours also discourages new users to stand up, and work for the community.
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