
I like obj c more than I like Swift. I don't know why and even tho it is the same API I find obj c more intuitive and useful since it is a strict superset of C and C is very useful.

Not to say I don't like Swift. I like it. I just have something against mobile OS APIs really

  • 4
    Obj-c felt like a clusterfuck when I tried getting into iOS dev.
    Swift was so much nicer to learn though, but I never did build anything of use 😞
  • 3
    @CowBroRises based on your previous rants no, not really. Not from you at least 🤣
  • 1
    @C0D4 to be honest I just liked the language. Really dislike mobile development. And I did it professionally for two years
  • 2
    @C0D4 This I definitely agree with. Unfortunately Objective C and C really aren't taught in school very much anymore. It's definitely easier for new devs to grasp swift, kotlin, dart, xamarin, etc.
  • 3
    AleCx04 * ptr = [[AleCx04 alloc] init];

    [ptr postComment: "hello"];
  • 0
    @fuck2code i did and I got medication. I had a hardcore stomach bug that was killing my appetite. What surprised the doctors the most though was that I was pretty much fine with not eating for fear of feeling sick. I have always had a very(and I mean very) weak stomach and an incident that occurred in the military years ago made it worse( got my stomach punctured during a mission, internal bleeding is not fun at all)

    Thanks for asking bro!!
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