
Looking for a lightweight blogging platform to add to my website and I came across this:


Ahem sorry, all these Wordpress rants along with my own Wordpress experience has kinda influenced my decision making.

Does anyone have any personal recommendations?

I feel like given the frequency at which I intend to post and the lightweight requirements I have since I’m on a pay-for-what-you-use host it’s probably best just to write posts manually as HTML pages

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    depends what you plan on doing?

    just writting posts, use Ghost,

    extending with plugins.. just go use wordpress
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    I like October. It's more a CMS but it has a blog extension.
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    @C0D4 @sudorm-rf this is probably a stupid question but do either of these use databases?
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    Try BoltCMS
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    Wondering if that Dropplets one can begin a law fight with Digital Ocean 🤔
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    @A-C-E requires MySQL out of the box
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    @C0D4 do all blogging platforms have a database attached to them? If so I’m probably going to just write HTML myself lol.

    I have a host that is super awesome and is basically pay-as-you-go but I don’t already pay for a DB so that would be significantly extra on top of the peanuts I’m paying now
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    @A-C-E what kind of host charges for a DB? Besides AWS?

    Yes all platforms will need a DB by default, unless you changed it out somehow for static files, but that would slow down and kill any performance.

    I’d say get a new host.
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    @C0D4 it’s an only-pay-for-what-you-use host so basically everything is an add-on. Even dynamic sites (php and cgi etc) is optional.

    For < $1/month to host a ~70MB portfolio/personal site, it’s pretty flipping awesome lol
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